4. Complete the questions with the words from the box.
Who How Where What How What How What Who What

a) What's your name?
b)_____ do you spell it?
c)_____’s that man over there?
d)_____ colour is his car?
e)_____ old is your brother?
f)_____ does ‘purple’ mean?
g)_____ is your mother from?
h)_____’s your favourite singer?
i)______ do you pronounce this word?
j)______ have you got in your bag?


Ответ дал: naromanikita

Відповідь:a) What's your name?

b) How do you spell it?

c) Who’s that man over there?

d) What colour is his car?

e) How old is your brother?

f) What does ‘purple’ mean?

g) Where is your mother from?

h) Who’s your favorite singer?

i) How do you pronounce this word?

j) What have you got in your bag?


Ответ дал: evangelinkakaaaa
g) Where’s your mother from?
h) What’s your favourite singer?
b) How do you spell it?
d) What colour is his car?
f) Who does purple mean?
i) How do you pronounce this word?
j) What have you got in your bag?
e) How old is your brother?
c) What’s that man over there?
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