Read the letter and add the sentences in brackets using relative clauses. ..(who/that) I met on holiday..... (I met him on (I was staying there Dear Donna, I must tell you about a man 1) holiday). I met him in Rome 2).... overnight). I was walking around the Forum, 3). (it's one of Rome's ancient sites). The guide, 4). ***** (he'd been feeling unwell all day), suddenly fainted! Someone shouted, "Doctorl" and a man (he was standing nearby), came rushing up to help. He took (it was cooler there), ******* (it was nearby) to call an ******** ******* ******** the guide into the shade, 6) and rushed to a telephone, 7). ambulance. Fortunately, it proved to be nothing serious, 8).. ********** (we were all relieved to hear it). Anyway, we got chatting, and guess what! This man, 9).. (David is his name), comes from Birmingham, ..... (I studied History there). We found out we 10) had a lot in common, and I'm going to see him again next week. I'll keep you posted. ********* Love, Kim ****

Будь ласка допоможіть!!! дуже срочно даю 35 балів !!!​



Ответ дал: dimastrelnikov8


Dear Donna,

I must tell you about a man (who/that) I met on holiday. I met him in Rome (where I was staying overnight). I was walking around the Forum (which is one of Rome's ancient sites). The guide (who had been feeling unwell all day) suddenly fainted! Someone shouted, "Doctor!" and a man (who was standing nearby) came rushing up to help. He took (him to a place where it was cooler) (and it was nearby) to call an ambulance. Fortunately, it proved to be nothing serious (which we were all relieved to hear). Anyway, we got chatting, and guess what! This man, (whose name is David), comes from Birmingham, (where I studied History). We found out we had a lot in common, and I'm going to see him again next week. I'll keep you posted.




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