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Нужно доказать половицу примером из жизни 10 предложений , пожалуйста


Ответ дал: cvbuji

   International Relations: Countries with powerful and efficient armies use their military strength as a deterrent, thus preventing potential conflicts.

   Cybersecurity: Modern states actively prepare for possible cyber-attacks, improving their technical capabilities and enhancing cybersecurity.

   Professional Skills: People invest in education and upgrading their professional skills to be ready for job market competition and secure their future stability.

   Business and Economy: Companies regularly analyze the market, study competitors, and take measures to be prepared for economic changes and competition.

   Everyday Safety: People learn self-defense techniques to be prepared for potential dangers and ensure their safety.

   Health: A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and physical activity help prepare the body for illnesses and boost immunity.

   Environmental Safety: Conservation programs and environmental readiness efforts help prevent disasters and preserve the environment for future generations.

   Education: Investing in education and developing educational programs prepares society for changes and new technologies.

   Sports and Physical Fitness: Athletes train regularly to be ready for competitions and achieve outstanding results.

   Family Preparedness: Families teach their members survival skills, fire safety, and other abilities to be prepared for emergencies.

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