What is the animal? Where does the animal live and what does it eat? How rare is the animal? 2. What is the problem? Why is it in danger? Where can we find information about it? 3. How can we help to protect it? Key phrases Describing animals in danger. 1. They can weigh/ grow to/ be.......2. Its one of the....... 3. The .......is now in danger. 4. You can find information........ . Нужно написать 6- 8 строчек.I


Ответ дал: tamilaabdurakhmanova


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The animals is the Snow leopard.It marvels in the mountains. Listed in the Red book of Kazakhstan. He is danger ,because people kill him (poaching).It's killed for its skin and for clothing. The lengtn of the body including the tail is 200-230cm.It can weight 55kg.It feeds mainly on mountain goats.

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