5. Match the words in colour from the text to their synonyms. enthusiasm / cooperative / needed / gorgeous / discover / variety/ outgoing a feeling of satisfaction / stimulate / obligation / appropriate / consider advantages and disadvantages


Ответ дал: ulka47849


enthusiasm - a feeling of satisfaction

cooperative - consider advantages and disadvantages

needed - appropriate

gorgeous - stimulate

discover - variety

outgoing - obligation

Ответ дал: egorijsa

Ответ: Match the words from the text with their definitions. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1 dignity a) public appreciation for a person or group's achievements

2 recognition b) angry because of something that is wrong or not fair

3 to award (somebody) c) a quality in a person that makes them deserving of respect because of their behaviour or appearance

4 outstanding d) to give something valuable, such as money or a prize, following an official decision

5 indignant e) much better than ordinary; excellent


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