Прочитай и заполни пропуски в диалоге нужной формой have to.
Tim, I've got some information about Jimmy's new school. Great! 1) Does he have to wear (he/wear) a uniform? Yes, he does. 2) OK. 3) No, 4) Excellent. 5) Well, the school bus comes at 7:30 am. 6) That's not bad. Let's talk to Jimmy then. (we/buy) him a new one. (l/drive) him to school? (you/drive) him there. He can take the school bus. (he/be) at school early? (he/be) ready by then.​


Ответ дал: maranagaranan



Tim, I've got some information about Jimmy's new school. Great! 1) Does he have to wear (he/wear) a uniform? Yes, he does. 2) OK. 3) No, 4) Excellent. 5) Well, the school bus comes at 7:30 am. 6) That's not bad. Let's talk to Jimmy then. (we/buy) him a new one. (l/drive) him to school? (you/drive) him there. He can take the school bus. (he/be) at school early? (he/be) ready by then.

Tim, I've got some information about Jimmy's new school. Great! 1) Does he have to wear (he/wear) a uniform? Yes, he does. 2) OK. 3) No, 4) Excellent. 5) Well, the school bus comes at 7:30 am. 6) That's not bad. Let's talk to Jimmy then. Do we have to buy him a new one? Do I have to drive him to school? Will you drive him there? He can take the school bus. Will he have to be at school early? He will be ready by then.

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