. 1 While/1/sit/ outside this morning /1/ see/ a really bird. Whill I was sitting outside this morning, I saw unusual looking bird 2 Although/Maddie/take/ loads of driving lessons last year,/ she/fail/her test. Although 3 André/used/ work at the local bank but now he/have/ his own business. 4 We/look/ at the menu / try/ to decide what to eat. 5 My family and / often/go/camping/ in the summer holidays. 6 1/once/break / a finger/while/1/play/basketball. ​


Ответ дал: riebisv


1. While I was sitting outside this morning I saw a really bird. Whill I was sitting outside this morning, I saw unusual looking bird

2. Although Maddie had taken loads of driving lessons last year, she failed

3. Although Andre used to work at the local bank but now he has his own business.

4. We looked at the menu to try to decide what to eat.

5. My family and I often go camping in the summer holidays.

6. I once broke a finger while I was playing basketball.

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