Сделайте пожалуйста задания



Ответ дал: nikabezversenko12
4. My uncle **is** a cosmonaut.
**Is** she a pilot? Yes, she **is**.
They **are** workers.
This monkey **is** little.
How **is** your aunt? She **is** fine.
These elephants **are** big.
Where **is** he from? He **is** from America.
The nice dolls **are** under the table.
**Is** her aunt a driver? Yes, she **is**.
**Are** we teachers? No, we **are** not.
Номер 4.

1. They like animals. They **have** three dogs and two cats. (утвердительная форма)
They don't have three dogs and two cats. (отрицательная форма)

2. Sarah **has** a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. (утвердительная форма)
Sarah doesn't have a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. (отрицательная форма)

3. Everybody likes Tom. He **has** many friends. (утвердительная форма)
Everybody doesn't have toms. He doesn't have many friends. (отрицательная форма)

4. Mr and Mrs Johnson **have** two children, a boy and a girl. (утвердительная форма)
Mr and Mrs Johnson don't have two children, a boy and a girl. (отрицательная форма)

5. An insect **has** six legs. (утвердительная форма)
An insect doesn't have six legs. (отрицательная форма)

6. I can't open the door. I **have** a key. (утвердительная форма)
I can't open the door. I don't have a key. (отрицательная форма)

7. Quick! Hurry! We **have** much time. (утвердительная форма)
Quick! Hurry! We don't have much time. (отрицательная форма)

8. "What's wrong?" "I **have** something in my eye." (утвердительная форма)
"What's wrong?" "I don't have something in my eye." (отрицательная форма)

9. Ben doesn't read much. He **hasn't** many books. (утвердительная форма)
Ben doesn't read much. He hasn't many books. (отрицательная форма)

10. It's a nice town. It **has** a very nice shopping centre. (утвердительная форма)
It's a nice town. It doesn't have a very nice shopping centre. (отрицательная форма)

11. Alice is going to the dentist. She **has** toothache. (утвердительная форма)
Alice is going to the dentist. She doesn't have toothache. (отрицательная форма)

12. "Where's my newspaper?" "I don't know. I **haven't** seen it." (утвердительная форма)
"Where's my newspaper?" "I don't know. I haven't seen it." (отрицательная форма)
13. Julia wants to go on holiday but she **doesn't have** any money.
14. I'm not going to work today. **I don't have** any money.

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