Task 3. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech
1.She asked: "Are you a doctor?"
2. She said: "He works in a bank."
3. He said: "I don't have a computer."
4. I have already finished the test.
5. I'll meet them at school. ​


Ответ дал: stighor

Ответ: (Task 3) Rewrite the sentences in reported speech

Здесь указан полный вариант условия.

1. She asked: "Are you a doctor?" a. She asked me if I was a doctor.
b. She asked me if I will be a doctor. c. She asked me if I have been a doctor. "

2. She said: "He works in a bank." a. She said he have worked in a bank. b. She said he works in a bank. c. She said he worked in a bank.

3. He said: "I don't have a computer." a. He said that he doesn't have a computer. b. He said that he didn't have a computer. c. He said that he hasn't a computer.

4. I have already finished the test. a. He said he has finished the test.
b. He said he had already finished the test. c. He said he finished the test.

5. I'll meet them at school a. He said he had met them at school. b. He said he would met them at school. c. He said he would meet them at school.

1. She asked: "Are you a doctor?"
- a. She asked me if I was a doctor

2. She said: "He works in a bank."
- c. She said that he worked in a bank.

3. He said: "I don't have a computer."
- b. He said that he didn't have a computer.

4. I have already finished the test.
- b. He said that he had already finished the test.

5. I'll meet them at school. ​
- c. He said he would meet them at school.

*Если говорящий пересказывает свои собственные слова, то местоимения I, we не изменяются.


Indirect or Reported speech (непрямая или косвенная речь) – это пересказ чьей-то речи или своих собственных слов.
При преобразовании прямой речи в косвенную производятся следующие изменения:

Запятая, стоящая после слов, вводящих прямую речь, а также кавычки, в которые заключена прямая речь, опускаются. Косвенная речь вводится союзом that (что), который, однако, часто опускается.

При передаче общих вопросов непрямой речью они присоединяются к главному предложению с помощью союзов if (если, ли) или whether (ли). В непрямой речи to say → to ask (спрашивать).  1.- She asked me if I was a doctor.

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