D. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. Henry.
(never / try) skling before.
2. A: I hope Susan doesn't get lost.
B: Don't worry. She
3. A:
B: Yes, I have. I
4. A: Helen, wash the dishes, please.
B: 1,
5. Kelly
on clothes.
6. We
7. How long
10. A:
(be) here twice before.
(take) Ted to the doctor yet?
(take) him to the doctor yesterday afternoon.
(already/do) it
(go) shopping yesterday and she
(always / want) to travel around the world but we
(know) Jane?
(finish) my homework last night so I can go out today.
(spend) all her pocket money
(read) any interesting books recently?
(already / discuss) her problem with Sally?
B: Yes, they.
(speak) yesterday. Actually, I think Sally
A: That's great Friends should always talk about their problems.
(only/be) to
(apologise) to Jane last night.



Ответ дал: zexxtteelll
1. Henry has never tried skiing before.
2. A: I hope Susan doesn't get lost.
B: Don't worry. She has been here before.
3. A: Have you seen that movie?
B: Yes, I have. I watched it last weekend.
4. A: Helen, wash the dishes, please.
B: I washed them already.
5. Kelly has been spending a lot of money on clothes.
6. We have visited you in Africa.
7. How long have you been waiting?
8. I went to the doctor.
9. A: Have you finished your homework?
B: Yes, I finished it last night.
10. A: Have you spoken to Jane?
B: Yes, they spoke yesterday. Actually, I think Sally apologized to Jane last night. Friends should always talk about their problems.

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