5 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 4. 1 My sister's got a chicken in her garden. We have 2 3 Crisps are from I always have People make wine from Our dog can't eat it's bad for him. Meat and vegetables are OK. 7 I love with bits of fruit in it. 4 5 6 for breakfast when we visit. I can't make toast - there's no in my coffee. like apples or grapes;
Помогите срочно пожалуйста!​


Ответ дал: ashmoonw

1. My sister's got a chicken in her garden. We have dogs.

2. Crisps are made from potatoes.

3. People make wine from grapes.

4. Our dog can't eat chocolate; it's bad for him. Meat and vegetables are OK.

5. I love yogurt with bits of fruit in it.

6. We have toast for breakfast when we visit. I can't make toast - there's no toaster.

7. I like apples or grapes with my coffee.

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