2 Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box in the correct form. There are more verbs than you need.

flit loom meet muster pound regurgitate teeter venture

Let’s just focus on English today, OK? I find this flitting between subjects very distracting.
1 You’ve learned everything you could learn in this college. It’s time to __________ further afield, don’t you think?
2 I’ve finally succeeded in ____________ the energy to go swimming before my morning classes.
3 After all those years he still remembered how his heart ___________ on the day of the exam.
4 ‘So have you made a decision yet?’ ‘No, I’m still ____________ on the edge.’
5 Whether you’re tired is irrelevant: if you want the scholarship, you have to ______________ the deadline.


Ответ дал: ionplayback


1. You’ve learned everything you could learn in this college. It’s time to **venture** further afield, don’t you think?

2. I’ve finally succeeded in **mustering** the energy to go swimming before my morning classes.

3. After all those years, he still remembered how his heart **pounded** on the day of the exam.

4. ‘So have you made a decision yet?’ ‘No, I’m still **teetering** on the edge.’

5. Whether you’re tired is irrelevant: if you want the scholarship, you have to **meet** the deadline.

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