Ex4. Fill in the right form of 'there is/there are':

1. This is a classroom. 2.

wall? No,

the classroom? Yes,

the classroom?

some desks in the

students in the classroom.

Ex5. Complete the sentence with 'there', 'it' or 'they': 1. are seven continents.

South America, Antarctica, Asia, Australia and Europe. 2.

the house. Who is

? 3.

in a lot of traffic. 4. In his class

a clock on the wall. 5.

any words on the blackboard? Yes, some words on the blackboard. 8.

a blackboard on the wall. 4.

are Africa, North America,

is very wet today and are 12 students but


5 What time is


is someone in

a table in

6. Where is it? It is near the blackboard. 7.

a chair in

9. Where is it? It is near the table.

any students in the classroom? Yes,



Ответ дал: w9indxdd
2. There are
3 there is
4. There is,there is
5. There is , there is
7.There are , there are
8. There is, there is
10. There are, there are
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