Writing Task 3 Write conditional sentences beginning with If O.I go to the park + 1.he leave now - 2.she eat breakfast + 3.it rain tomorrow + 4.we shout - 5.they have a party + take the dog + be late for the concert + be hungry later - 1 I play football - they hear us - I tell you +


Ответ дал: svetazc1967

Ответ:Sure, here are the conditional sentences using "If" for each of the provided scenarios:

1. If O.I go to the park, he will leave now.

2. If she eats breakfast, she won't be hungry later.

3. If it rains tomorrow, we will take the dog with us.

4. If we shout, they will hear us.

5. If they have a party, I won't be late for the concert.

6. If I tell you, I play football.


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