Task. Write the topics. Answer all the questions with appropriate details. Follow the questions, use topical vocabulary and pay attention to the grammar. Tom, 23 years old, a student, has got a family. Give some information about Tom. What is his favourite hobby? Where does he live? How does he spent his free time? What does he do on the weekends? How does he spend his time every day? What does he prefer to chat with his friends? Why?


Ответ дал: lohoped13300800
Tom is a 23-year-old student who hails from a close-knit family. His favorite hobby is playing the guitar, which he's been passionate about since his teenage years. Tom lives in a small apartment in the heart of the city, conveniently close to his university.

During his free time, Tom often immerses himself in music, strumming his guitar or listening to various genres. On weekends, he enjoys exploring the local music scene, visiting live concerts, and sometimes even performing with his band.

His daily routine typically includes attending classes in the morning and studying in the library in the afternoons. In the evenings, he dedicates time to both practice his guitar skills and catch up on reading. Tom spends time every day nurturing his musical talent, driven by his dream of making it big in the music industry.

When it comes to chatting with friends, Tom prefers face-to-face interactions or phone calls. He values the personal connection and finds it more meaningful and genuine than digital communication, where nuances can often be lost.
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