2 a) Read the text and correct the statements below. ) . In the spring, the forests around Loch Lomond are full of moss. 2 Loch Lomond is famous for its flamingos. The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve covers a million hectares. 4 The star attractions of Korgalzhyn are the Siberian white cranes. 3


Ответ дал: sviatiktumechko2012

Відповідь: In the spring, the forests around Loch Lomond are full of moss. (Correct)

Loch Lomond is famous for its flamingos. (Incorrect - there's no mention of flamingos in the text)

The Korgalzhyn Nature Reserve covers a million hectares. (Correct)

The star attractions of Korgalzhyn are the Siberian white cranes. (Correct)

So, statement 2 is incorrect, as there is no mention of flamingos in the text.

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