Find the mistakes and correct the sentences where necessary. Put a tick (✔) below those which do not need correcting. 1 Someone has been smoking in here. I can smell cigarette smoke. 2 The house has belonged to the family from 1920. 3 She just left her office. 4 I've been typing three letters so far this morning. 5 It's the first time she is playing golf with us. 6 We've been checking the records, but we haven't finished yet. 7 Tom has been missing the bus, so he'll be late. 8 Her eyes are red because she has cried.


Ответ дал: DmitryConnoisseur1


1 ✔ Someone has been smoking in here. I can smell cigarette smoke.

2 The house has belonged to the family since 1920. (from → since)

3 She just left her office.

4 I've typed three letters so far this morning. (remove "been")

5 It's the first time she has played golf with us. (is → has)

6 We've been checking the records, but we haven't finished yet.

7 Tom has missed the bus, so he'll be late. (has been missing → has missed)

8 Her eyes are red because she has been crying. (she has cried → she has been crying)

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