Пожалуйста, СРОЧНО НАДО!!!!!!!!! Communication
5. Complete the dialogues with on word in each gap.

1) A: I need some help with the armchair. B: No problem. (пример)

2) A: Do you need ______ help with the sofa? B: Yes, ______.

3) A: Can you help ______ with the chair, please? B: Yes, of ______.

4) A: Can I help you with the lamp? B: No, that's _______, thank you. ​


Ответ дал: Velch


1) A: I need some help with the armchair. B: No problem.

2) A: Do you need any help with the sofa? B: Yes, please.

3) A: Can you help me with the chair, please? B: Yes, of course.

4) A: Can I help you with the lamp? B: No, that's fine, thank you.

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