Complete the exchanges using the present perfect or the past simple. 1 A: Have you ever tried (you/ever/try) crab? B: Yes. I ....... .......... (eat) some when I was in Portugal last summer. (you/go) out for 2 A: .... dinner last night? B: No, but I (just/ book) a table at Carol's for tonight. (not/eat) cereal 3 A: ............... for ages. B: I....... 4 A: Paul........... ****** breakfast this morning. ...... (have) some for B: ....... ******* (just/go) to the shops. He'll be back soon. ..... (you/tell) him to buy some bread rolls for lunch? 5 A: ............... .............. (not/see) Lucy since this morning. B: She ....... (leave) at 11:00 to have a coffee with Beth
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Аноним: Дaм oтвeт втeлeграмме hаhоbn.


Ответ дал: xqwnns


1 A: Have you ever tried crab? B: Yes. I ate some when I was in Portugal last summer. (Did you go) out for dinner last night? B: No, but I just booked a table at Carol's for tonight. (I didn't eat) cereal.

3 A: (Have you not eaten) for ages. B: I have.

4 A: Paul (had) breakfast this morning. Did he have some for (breakfast)? B: He just went to the shops. He'll be back soon. Did you tell him to buy some bread rolls for lunch?

5 A: (Have you not seen) Lucy since this morning. B: She left at 11:00 to have a coffee with Beth.


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