. Поставьте "the" или " - " с именами собственными.
1. We met... Peter Smith in ... Trafalgar Square, near... National Gallery.
2. Have you ever been to the Great Wall of ... China?
3. The shop is in ... Fleet street, next to ... McDonald's.
4.the Flintstones sold their house just before ... Christmas.
5. When I visit .Hermitage Museum in ... Petersburg, I'll find the collection
of paintings by... Rembrandt there.
6. ... Doctor Brown was a veteran of... World War II.
7. ... Kremlin and ... Bolshoi Theatre are in the heart of ... Moscow.
8. ... Mary studies... French in a school near ... Eiffel Tower.
9. Japanese language is too difficult for me.
10.... Henry studies ... Medicine at ... Oxford University.
11.... Dutch are the people who live in ... Netherlands.
12. When the sky is clear, we can see... Moon from... Earth.


Ответ дал: meliora03


  1. - ; - ; the
  2. the ; -
  3. - ; -
  4. The ; -
  5. the ; - ;  -
  6. - ; -
  7. The ; the ; -
  8. - ; - ; the
  9. The
  10. - ; - ;  -
  11. The ; the
  12. the ; the

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