даю 40 балів!!! допоможіть
Choose the correct item.

1 If everyone recycled, it would ...... a huge difference to the environment.

(A create B make C recover)

2 Helen is going to run a race in order to ..... money for charity.

(A donate B raise C offer)

3 As a member of the WWF, you can ..... an animal for a monthly fee.

(A adopt B buy C take)

4 More and more endangered species are.......because we are cutting down the rainforests.

(A missing B losing C disappearing)

5 If polar ice......, many coastal cities will be covered with water.

(A floods B melts C rises)

6 We can ..... rubbish if we recycle our household waste.

(A reduce B ruin C cut)


Ответ дал: kaguellion

1. B,2. B, 3. A, 4. C, 5. B, 6.. A.

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