29 жовтня 2023 р. о 10:31
Choose the correct words. Then put the
words in brackets into the plural form.
Which nouns are irregular?
The Sami of Lapland
The Sami 1) people/persons of northern
Finland and Norway 2) manage/succeed to
survive in 3) some/any of the coldest
environments in the 4) planet/world.
5).......(Temperature) can be as 6) low/small
as -30°Cl They move many 7)......(kilometre)
every year 8) across/above the frozen land,
to find food for their reindeer 9) ....... ..(herd).
10) Living/Staying in a frozen land they rely
on reindeer for food, clothing and houses.
They 11) make/do their own tents and
clothes from reindeer skin and use reindeers
or dogs to 12) pull/push their sleds. While
the 13) .........(man) are out 14) taking/
looking care of the reindeer and keeping
15........ (wolf) away, the 16) .…........(woman)
are busy doing everything else. They chop,
wood, cook food, build their tents and make
clothes. Sami life is only for 17) them/those
who are willing to work hard.


Ответ дал: meowwxsn

1) people, 2) manage, 3) some, 4) planet, 5) temperatures, 6) low, 7) kilometres, 8) across, 9) herds, 10) Living, 11) make, 12) pull, 13) men, 14) taking care, 15) wolves, 16) women, 17) those

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