Write an article for your English class blog with the title ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’, in which you
describe one of your achievements. In the article:
• describe the achievement;
• mention the difficulties you had to overcome;
• write how the experience has changed you.
100-120 words


Ответ дал: anomicseller

Ответ:Title: If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It

Achievements often come as a result of hard work, determination, and a dream to make a difference. One of my proudest achievements is winning the school-wide debate competition last year. The journey wasn't easy, as I faced numerous challenges along the way. I had to research tirelessly, develop persuasive arguments, and deliver them confidently in front of a critical audience. Overcoming my fear of public speaking was the biggest obstacle, but with practice and support from my teachers and peers, I managed to conquer it.

This achievement transformed me in many ways. It boosted my self-confidence and improved my communication skills. I realized that with dedication and a dream, I could achieve anything. This experience taught me that hard work and perseverance are key to turning dreams into reality. So, remember, if you can dream it, you can do it!

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