SEL Answer these questions. 1 Do you think young people in your country know about the mental health benefits of sport? 5 SPEAKING 2 Does doing sport help you feel happy and positive? Why/Why not? 3 What other things can young people do to improve their mental health? GREAT LEARNERS Пр​


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


1. The awareness of the mental health benefits of sports among young people in my country can vary. Some are well-informed about these benefits, while others may not be as aware. Education and awareness campaigns can play a crucial role in spreading knowledge about the positive effects of sports on mental health.

2. Yes, participating in sports can help individuals feel happy and positive. This is because physical activity releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Additionally, sports provide opportunities for social interaction and can reduce stress, contributing to a more positive mental state.

3. Young people can improve their mental health in various ways, apart from participating in sports. They can practice mindfulness and meditation, maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep, engage in creative activities, and seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals when needed. It's essential to have a holistic approach to mental well-being.

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