Add a pref i x or suf f i x to the words in brackets to complete the sentences. 1 The government is feeling _____ (hope) that the economy will improve next year. 2 If your computer freezes, you can ____ _ (set) it using this button. 3 Some important _____ (universe) human rights are freedom, equality and education. 4 The player broke his ankle _____ (match), so they had to stop the game and take him to hospital. 5 The politician tried to _____ (inform) the press by telling lies about his part in the scandal. 6 If you make a mistake, you'll have to ____ _ (do) the whole project. 7 Did you _____ (hear) what I asked you to do? Why have you done it wrong? 8 Be careful because there are several species of _____ (poison) snakes in the area. 9 I think my students are _____ (interested) in the subject because they never pay attention. 10 My job is made easier because my ______
workers) are so great to work with​


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


Here are the sentences with the appropriate prefixes or suffixes added:

1. The government is feeling **hopeful** that the economy will improve next year.

2. If your computer freezes, you can **reset** it using this button.

3. Some important **universal** human rights are freedom, equality, and education.

4. The player broke his ankle **during the match**, so they had to stop the game and take him to the hospital.

5. The politician tried to **misinform** the press by telling lies about his part in the scandal.

6. If you make a mistake, you'll have to **redo** the whole project.

7. Did you **hear** what I asked you to do? Why have you done it wrong?

8. Be careful because there are several species of **poisonous** snakes in the area.

9. I think my students are **uninterested** in the subject because they never pay attention.

10. My job is made easier because my **coworkers** are so great to work with.

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