William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. He was the third of eight children. His family had money and William went to school. At school he learned Latin and Greek and read the Roman dramatists. In 1582, when he was 18, he married Ann Hathaway. They lived happily together and had three children.

In the late 1580s Shakespeare left his family and went to London. In London he started writing plays. In 1594 Shakespeare joined popular company of actors. A new playhouse was built the Globe which became the most popular theatre of its time. Shakespeare's sonnets were composed between 1593 and 1601. His earliest plays were comedies and histories such as "Henry VI", "The Comedy of Errors". In 1596 he wrote "Romeo and Juliette". Only 18 of his plays were published during his lifetime. In 1610 he retired from the stage and returned to his home in Stratford. He died of a fever on April 23, 1616.

1) William Shakespeare went to London

a. between 1593 and 1601.

2) He wrote "Romeo and Juliette"

b. in 1616.

3) William joined the popular company of actors c. in 1564.

4) The writer was born

d. in 1596.

5) He composed many sonnets

e. in 1594.

6) Shakespeare died on April, 23,

f. in the late 1580s.



Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


Here are the correct matches:

1) William Shakespeare went to London

Answer: f. in the late 1580s.

2) He wrote "Romeo and Juliette"

Answer: d. in 1596.

3) William joined the popular company of actors

Answer: e. in 1594.

4) The writer was born

Answer: c. in 1564.

5) He composed many sonnets

Answer: a. between 1593 and 1601.

6) Shakespeare died on April, 23,

Answer: b. in 1616.

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