Match the questions with the replies. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example : 1. Do you want a chocolate? b. No thanks. I *'ve eaten* (eat) four today already! 2. Why's your sister so angry? 3. Do you want to watch Iron Man? 4. Why’s your father so tired? 5. Is it alright if I go out now, Mum? 6. Does your sister speak French? 7. How's the homework going? a. Not very well. I still … (not finish) b. No thanks. I …. (eat) four today already! c. Wait a minute. … you … (clean) your room? d. Only a little. She … (not learn) it for very long. e. She … (argue) with her boyfriend all day. f. I don't know. … he … (work) in the garden? g. OK Can you believe I … (never see) it?


Ответ дал: lizo4ok18

Відповідь:Match the questions with the replies. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Example : 1. Do you want a chocolate? b. No thanks. I *'ve eaten* (eat) four today already! 2. Why's your sister so angry? 3. Do you want to watch Iron Man? 4. Why’s your father so tired? 5. Is it alright if I go out now, Mum? 6. Does your sister speak French? 7. How's the homework going? a. Not very well. I still … (not finish) b. No thanks. I …. (eat) four today already! c. Wait a minute. … you … (clean) your room? d. Only a little. She … (not learn) it for very long. e. She … (argue) with her boyfriend all day. f. I don't know. … he … (work) in the garden? g. OK Can you believe I … (never see) it?



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