Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Simple и Past Simple.

1. It (to be) dark in the street now. The sun already (to sit).
2. When you (to hear) the news? — I (to hear) them last Saturday.
3. What you (to do) now? — I (to write) a letter to my friend. — When you (to receive) his letter? — I (to receive) it today.
4. Your son already (to do) his lessons? — Yes, he just (to finish) doing them and now he (to watch) TV.


Ответ дал: Пеппер

It is dark in the street now. The sun already has set.

На улице сейчас темно. Солнце уже село.

When you heard the news? — I heard them last Saturday.

Когда вы услышали эту новость? — Я слышал их в прошлую субботу.

What are you doing now? — I am writing a letter to my friend. — When you received his letter? — I received it today.

Что ты сейчас делаешь? — Я пишу письмо своему другу. — Когда вы получили его письмо? — Я получил его сегодня.

Your son already has done his lessons? — Yes, he has just finished doing them and now he is watching TV.

Ваш сын уже сделал уроки? — Да, он только что закончил их делать и теперь смотрит телевизор.

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