Ex2. complete the sentences with key words
The shortage, safe, pollution, waste, poison, destruction, population,
pollution, dumped, radiation, population, nuclear weapon,
The government is not supported by the
The weathermen are speaking about
The country is not able to feed its
Factories pour a lot of
What caused the
into seas.
Smoke from factories is making
Industrial waste can be
For the first time
Is ultraviolet
A pile of logs
Is this beach
of wildlife in this area?
quite bad.
for fish living in the seas.
were used by the USA in 1945.
in the wrong place.
of water again this summer.
for bathing?


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


Here are the completed sentences with the key words:

1. The government is not supported by the population.

2. The weathermen are speaking about the weather.

3. The country is not able to feed its population.

4. Factories pour a lot of pollution into seas.

5. What caused the destruction into seas.

6. Smoke from factories is making the air quite bad.

7. Industrial waste can be dumped in the wrong place.

8. For the first time, nuclear weapons were used by the USA in 1945.

9. Is ultraviolet radiation dangerous?

10. A pile of logs is this beach safe for bathing?

11. Is this beach safe for bathing?

12. The shortage of wildlife in this area is quite bad.

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