29. I.... to your husband when you came. a) was speaking b) speaking c) speak d) spoke 30. I.... the ironing when I heard the news. a) was doing b) am doing c) did d) made 31. I... a holiday since 1980. a) have taken b) haven't taken c) didn't take d) didn't have 32. What .... doing all this time? a) have been you b) did you do c) you have been d) have you been 33. I.... to the gym for months. a) haven't be b) haven't been c) didn't be d) don't be 34. She didn't recognise me. I quite a lot. a) had changed b) have changed c) have change d) had change 35. There was a lorry by the house and a car... near by. a) had stop b) had stopped c) has stopped d) has stop 36. She was nervous because she .... before. a) has never driven b) had driven never c) had never driven d) had never drove 37. I'll... the article before midnight. a) have wrote b) have write c) have written d) had written 38. By the end of the month I'll... the book. a) have finished b) be finish c) be finished d) had finished 39. By dinner time he'll .... reading the papers. a) have finished b) be finish. c) be finished d) had finished. 40. I haven't seen the new play a) still b) yet c) already d) for .... 41. He is .... on holiday, isn't he? a) still b) yet c) since d) during 42. I don't like staying there.... the night. a) still b) yet c) at d) during 43. Breakfast is from 8 to 10, so at 9 we'll ... breakfast. a) have been having b) be having c) had had d) had 44. By 12 o'clock I will on duty for 12 hours. a) have been b) be c) had been d) had had 45. Sorry, but she won't ... out with you tonight. a) have gone b) be going c) be gone d) going 46. When she arrived, her boyfriend ... for two hours. a) waited b) was waiting c) have waited d) had been waiting 47. By the look of the place they ... cards all night. a) were b) had been playing c) played d) were playing 48. Looking at him you could tell, he ... on the beach for hours. a) had been lying b) was lying c) had lain d) had laid 49. I know you haven't met him ... he was twenty. a) from b) during c) since d) for 50.'I last saw her when she turned me down. 'Yes, I knew you ... then.' a) didn't see her since b) hadn't seen her since c) hasn't seen her since d) hasn't seen her for​


Ответ дал: itop26top


   a) was doing

   a) have taken

   d) have you been

   b) haven't been

   a) had changed

   b) had stopped

   c) had never driven

   c) have written

   a) have finished

   a) have finished

   b) yet

   b) yet

   b) yet

   b) be having

   a) have been

   c) be gone

   d) had been waiting

   b) had been playing

   a) had been lying

   c) since

   b) hadn't seen her since


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