You were ill two weeks ago.Write a letter to your English-speaking friends.In your letter: ●explains what happened to you ●if the doctor visited you ●what recommendations you got ●what helped you recover Допоможіть будь ласка ​


Ответ дал: ihymaqqe


Hi Lily,

I am sorry for not writing you.

As I was ill,I needed to stay at home so I did not go to school.Also I didn’t visit dancing club.I had temperature and stomachach.I couldn’t eat anything so I was starved.During the day I had to drink a lot of water.

Five days ago,doctor visited me.He told my mum that there wasnt anything terrifyin.He gave her a list of medicine which I needed to take.

After taking this medicine I felt myself better.Tomorrow I will go to schoo.Hope to see you.

Lots of love,

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