2 Complete the email to a penfriend with the words below.
all along BMXing by exhausting fitness club gymnastics solar-heated swimming pool weights room
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for your last email and the photos. I’ve never been 1____________ or tried to do 2____________ , but they both sound great fun! My favourite hobby is surfing. It’s 3____________ at first, but it’s great to be outdoors on a sunny day.
Surfing can be frightening when you first start and don’t know what you’re doing, but it becomes easier. There are surfing clubs 4____________ the coast. I really enjoy exercise, so at school I’m also in the 5____________ . We use the 6____________ once a week at lunchtime and run once or twice a week after school.
Anyway, send me some pictures of your new BMX bike. I like the pictures of your house. You’re very lucky to have a 7____________ in your garden. We have one in our village. It’s 8____________ so we can use it all year. It’s quite small though, and it isn’t very relaxing because it’s 9____________ the main road.


Ответ дал: dianapodlesova


Hi Daniel,

Thanks for your last email and the photos. I’ve never been exhausted or tried to do gymnastics or BMXing , but they both sound like great fun! My favorite hobby is surfing. It’s exhausting at first, but it’s great to be outdoors on a sunny day.

Surfing can be frightening when you first start and don’t know what you’re doing, but it becomes easier. There are surfing clubs all along the coast. I really enjoy exercise, so at school I’m also in the fitness club. We use the weights room once a week at lunchtime and run once or twice a week after school.Anyway, send me some pictures of your new BMX bike. I like the pictures of your house. You’re very lucky to have a swimming pool in your garden. We have one in our village. It’s solar-heated so we can use it all year. It’s quite small though, and it isn’t very relaxing because it’s by the main road.


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