1b Complete the words in the sentences. The first and last letters of each word are given.

1 The Earth's c e is changing. For example, there are many more h _s than twenty years ago.

2 The city is an important port thanks to its geographical I _n at the end of a long P a.

3 This is the biggest g _r in this mountain range. It's moving slowly down the v y. 4 The rivers which f _w through this area help farmers p e lots of high quality


5 This v e o isn't active - it hasn't d for two centuries now.​


Ответ дал: didarmyrawon


1. The Earth's c e is changing. For example,there are many more has than twenty years ago.

2. The city is an important port thanks to its geographical l in at the end of a long P a.

3. This is the biggest geer in in this mountain range. let's moving slowly down the v y.

4. The rivers which fow through this area help farmers p e lota of high quality cotton.

5. This v e o isn 't active - it hasn't for two centuries now.

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