14. Прочитайте та поставте дієслова у Present perfect. Who is the most amazing person you have ever met? My cousin Michael is the most amazing person I 1) have ever met (ever meet)! He's still young - he's only 28 years old - but he 2)_ life. (do) amazing things in his Michael loves adventure! He 3). (visit) many parts of Africa. He 5) go there next year and he 6). (travel) round Europe on his bike and he 4) (not go) to China but he is a planning to (promise) to take me with him! Where is Michael at the moment? He 7). brings back lots of photos. Lucy Hardy (go) to Peru with his dad! I hope he?​


Ответ дал: pppppooolichka


1.has done

2. has visited

3.has traveld

4.hasn`t gone


6.has gone


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