Чотири способи вираження майбутнього 1. Will or be going to? 1. She will probably book the tickets beforehand. 2. I think they invite us to the party. paint the house. 3. The Gordons have bought a lot of paint. They 4. It is very cold outside. I think I put on a warm sweater. 5. It be January in a week. 6. Sally hopes she sell our old car. 7. One day people travel to other planets. 8. She likes sport and 9.I much. games and this evening she play basketball with friends. spend my holidays in Spain because I like the warm climate of this country very

2. Present Simple or Present Continuous? 1. Our classes (begin) next month. 2.1 (go) to the dentist next Monday. 3. The train (arrive) at 3.30 tomorrow. 4. We (meet) with my friend in the club at the next weekend. 5. He (come) home in a week after his business trip. 6. The film (start) at 6 pm.

3. Will, be going to, Present Simple or Present Continuous? 1. He (be) a doctor because his parents are doctors too. 2. She thinks she (get) good marks at the exam. 3. Tomorrow at 3 pm he (begin) his lectures about India. 4. We (fly) to Paris next month!​


Ответ дал: fctdgsygfdhngfxzgsac
  1. Our classes begin next month.
  2. I am going to the dentist next Monday.
  3. The train arrives at 3.30 tomorrow.
  4. We are meeting with my friend in the club next weekend.
  5. He is coming home in a week after his business trip.
  6. The film starts at 6 pm.
  7. Will, be going to, Present Simple, or Present Continuous?
  8. He is going to be a doctor because his parents are doctors too.
  9. She thinks she will get good marks at the exam.
  10. Tomorrow at 3 pm he is going to begin his lectures about India.
  11. We are flying to Paris next month!

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