18. Diana ... on TV before. The spectators know her well.
A had appeared
C appeared
B has appeared
D would appear
19. Jack... Spanish for five years.
A has been learning
B had been learning
C earns
D had learned
20. My father was cooking when he ... his finger.
A was burned
C was burning
B had burned
D burned
21. Here ... the train.
A has been coming
C come
B is coming
D comes
22. Susan.. riding lessons but now she has dancing lessons.
A used to have
C used have
D used having
B was used to have
23.1... finish my work at last! Now I can have a rest.
C have finished
A would finish
D had finished
24. After she ... a course, she'll be a qualified teacher.
A will take has taken
C takes
D is taking
B will take
25. Mary went to several concerts while she ... in London.
C had been staying
A stayed
B was staying
D has stayed
26. Susan never ... her car properly.
C parks
A park
B parked
D has parked
27. I'll look for a place to live when I ... job.
A had found
C will find
B find
D am finding
28. Kitty ... swimming in a cold water when she lived in Norway.
A used to
C used
B was used
D was used to
29. He... my CDs and never gives them back.
A is always taking
C alwavs takes
B always take
D always took
30. The children ... their holidays at camp this month.

A have been spending
C spend
B are spending
D spent
31. Come to the meeting with a famous writer at 5 p.m. He …. about his new book.
A will tell
C would be telling
B would tell
D will be telling
32.The manager ... the office, sat down at his desk and began to look through the
morning mail.
A enters
B has entered
Ce tered
D had entered
33. She ... for dentist's appointment for a couple of weeks.
A has been waiting
C is waited
B waited
D has waited
34. Be careful! You ... the ladder.
A will fall down
C have fallen down
B are going to fall down
D are falling down
35. When the parents came home they noticed that the children.
A cleaned
... the room.
C has cleaned
B had cleaned
D had been cleaning
36. When you. her, give her my message, please.
A are seeing
C will see
B see
D have seen


Ответ дал: diyanairgalieva

18) B








26) B


28) D









Ответ дал: vladimirenkoivan8

18. B has appeared

19. A has been learning

20. D burned

21. B is coming

22. A used to have

23. C have finished

24. B will take

25. B was staying

26. C parks

27. B find

28. D was used to

29. A is always taking

30. B are spending

31. D will be telling

32. C entered

33. A has been waiting

34. B are going to fall down

35. B had cleaned

36. B see

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