1 Match the words in 1 with these definitions. the people who work on a ship, plane, etc. a line of cars waiting to move 2 3 a public transport system where trains travel in tunnels a general word for something that travels in space 4 5 what a plane does when it begins its journey 6 what a plane does when it finishes its journey 7 the place at an airport where people board a plane​



Ответ дал: omirbekakniet782

Ответ 1-crew

2-traffic jam

3- the Underground/subway/tube


5- launch



ksyubort95: 1. Crew
ksyubort95: 2.traffic jam
ksyubort95: 3.the underground и тд
ksyubort95: 4.spacecraft
ksyubort95: 5. Take of
ksyubort95: 6.lamd
ksyubort95: Land 6
ksyubort95: 7 gate
danaolzhabai2008: спасибо
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