Work in groups. Discuss these problems.

1. Television is not harm- ful, but if you watch TV programmes with- out choice it may be harmful


Ответ дал: soyuzbook

1Television is notbharmful, but if you watch TV programms without choice itbmay be harmful

Ответ дал: HelloNice
1. Television is not harmful in itself, but it can be if people watch TV programs without making mindful choices. When individuals passively consume content without considering its quality or relevance, it may lead to negative effects on their mental and emotional well-being.

2. Sometimes, excessive TV viewing, especially of certain content, can be detrimental. For example, if people watch violent or inappropriate programs without any discretion, it could lead to desensitization to violence, increased aggression, or exposure to harmful messages.

3. The lack of parental control over what children watch on television can be problematic. If kids are exposed to age-inappropriate content or excessive screen time, it might impact their development and behavior negatively.

4. Over-dependence on TV as a source of entertainment can also affect one's productivity. Spending too much time in front of the TV might lead to neglecting other important aspects of life, such as work, social interactions, or physical activities.

5. Additionally, constant exposure to advertisements can influence people's buying decisions and consumer behavior. This can lead to unnecessary spending and materialism.

6. Engaging in discussions about the type of content watched and setting appropriate time limits for television can mitigate these issues.

7. Ultimately, it's essential for individuals to make informed choices when it comes to TV viewing. Selecting high-quality content, monitoring screen time, and balancing it with other activities can help make television a more positive and less harmful aspect of life.
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