9 3.31 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Ask and answer in pairs. Then listen and check. 1 played What sport at Wimbledon is ? What sport is played at Wimbledon? saris are worn Where ? 2 3 is in a florist's shop sold What ? 4 baby cats are What called ? 5 the boat, Plastiki is made of What ? 6 is celebrated St Patrick's Day In which month? 7 found Where polar bears are ?​



Ответ дал: voychyshyna1

2.Where are worn saris?

3.What is sold in a florist's  shop?

4.What baby cats are called?

5.What the boat.Plastiki is made of?

6.In wich month St Patrick's Day is celebrated?

7.Where are found polar bears?

voychyshyna1: Надеюсь помогла)
AlisaKovalchuk: да, спасибо
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