Complete the following type 0 and type 1 conditional sentences:

1. If it’s summer …

2. If she arrives late, . ….

3. I will buy bananas . …

4. I don’t open the door . …

5. If I have a bath, . …

6. If she finishes her book, . …

7. If you finish your homework by 6pm today, . …

8. My dog runs away . …

9. If Jenny gets sacked from this job, . …

10. I will phone you later …..


Ответ дал: LovelyDragon

1. If it's summer, the weather is usually hot and sunny.

2. If she arrives late, she will miss the beginning of the movie.

3. I will buy bananas if they are on sale at the grocery store.

4. I don't open the door if I don't recognize the person outside.

5. If I have a bath, I feel relaxed and refreshed.

6. If she finishes her book, she can start reading a new one.

7. If you finish your homework by 6pm today, you can go out with your friends.

8. My dog runs away if I leave the gate open.

9. If Jenny gets sacked from this job, she will have to find a new one.

10. I will phone you later if I have any updates.

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