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Ответ дал: edrikryt

1. The internet provides a vast source of information, enabling quick access to knowledge on various subjects.

2. Educational websites and online courses enhance learning opportunities, making education accessible to people worldwide.

3. Social media platforms connect individuals globally, fostering communication and cultural exchange.

4. Online platforms facilitate remote work, allowing individuals to collaborate and contribute to projects from different locations.

5. Internet-based entertainment, such as streaming services, offers a diverse range of content, catering to various interests and preferences.

6. Televised news broadcasts keep people informed about current events, promoting awareness and understanding of global issues.

7. Educational television programs, especially for children, play a crucial role in enhancing cognitive skills and promoting creativity.

8. The internet serves as a valuable tool for research and exploration, enabling individuals to delve into topics of personal or professional interest.

9. Online shopping provides convenience and accessibility, allowing people to purchase goods and services from the comfort of their homes.

10. Both the internet and television contribute significantly to modern life, offering numerous benefits that enhance learning, communication, and entertainment.

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