3.Work in pairs.Check if you know the meanings of the words and phrases from the box and answer the questions below
(a brand,to advertise,to switch channels,to turn off the sound,to jump to conclusions,to take a picture)
1.What is favourite brand of crisps / chewing gum / toothpaste?
2.Where do companies advertise their products?
3.Do you often switch channels when you their products?
4.When do you turn off the sound of your TV?
5.Is jumping to conclusions good of bad?
6.Do you take pictures?


Ответ дал: platonluzin

Ответ:What is your favorite brand of crisps / chewing gum / toothpaste?

Answer: Provide your preferred brand for each item.

Where do companies advertise their products?

Answer: Companies advertise their products on various platforms such as television, social media, billboards, and magazines.

Do you often switch channels when you watch TV?

Answer: Share whether you frequently change TV channels or not.

When do you turn off the sound of your TV?

Answer: Indicate situations when you choose to mute the TV sound, for example, during commercials or late at night.

Is jumping to conclusions good or bad?

Answer: Discuss whether making hasty assumptions is generally positive or negative.

Do you take pictures?

Answer: Confirm whether you enjoy photography or take pictures regularly.


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