сделайте по этому тексту план так что бы я смогла его пересказать дам 40 монет ​



Ответ дал: sandugasrasimbetova




World described as flat with no mountains.

Two brothers, sons of The Great Spirit, loved hunting.

2.Problem Identified:

Lack of mountains made hunting difficult for the brothers.

3.Solution Proposed by Older Brother:

Older brother suggests having water cover the world to create mountains.

4.Implementation of the Plan:

Water flows over the entire earth.

Brothers set a large basket as a trap.

5.Results of the Plan:

Brothers find not only wild pigs and deer but also many people in their trap.

6.Consequences Noted by The Great Spirit:

The Great Spirit observes that his sons flooded the earth.

One spot in the world remains uncovered by water.

7.Survivors Identified:

Only one boy and one girl survived the flooding.

8.Intervention by The Great Spirit:

The Great Spirit comes down and calls to the surviving boy and girl.

He acknowledges their survival and their current state of extreme cold.

9.Command for Help:

The Great Spirit commands his dog and deer to bring fire for the boy and girl.

The dog and deer swim away, leaving the boy and girl growing colder.

10.Long Wait and Personal Intervention:

The Great Spirit waits for the dog and deer to return, but they don't.

The Great Spirit personally goes after them.

11.Questioning the Delay:

The Great Spirit questions the dog and deer about the delay in bringing fire.

Urges them to come quickly as the boy and girl are very cold.

12.Struggles with Fire:

The dog and deer take the fire but encounter difficulties swimming through the water.

The fire goes out after a short distance.

13.Second Attempt:

The Great Spirit commands them to get more fire.

They attempt again, but the deer's fire goes out, and the dog's fire almost dies.

14.Intervention and Success:

The Great Spirit quickly takes the fire from the dog.

He makes a big fire that warms the boy and the girl.


The world is restored to its previous state, now with mountains.

The boy and the girl marry, have children, and the Earth becomes populated.

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