

Ответ дал: JaneClements

Відповідь: (ЧИТАЙ ЩО В ДУЖКАХ)

1. **Everyone** believes the project will be completed in time.

2. He was carrying a suitcase in **each** hand. (or: **his** hand)

3. Bill and Jack are my brothers, **both** of them are students.

4. Last night it was raining heavily.

5. I'll keep two of these books and return **the rest** to the library.

6. **Every** student has to work hard during the exam time.

7. Can I have a look at **your** hat? You've got so many of them.

8. The clothes have been washed.

9. Where are **the keys**?

10. My granny is always kind to **everyone**.

11. **All** the tourists have gone on the excursion.

12. Have you invited Tim or Ron?

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