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Ответ дал: opichanya33
Знову ж таки,якщо я не помиляюсь,то це повинно бути так!

Who is the girls? ( to be )

Where do Jane and Ben live? (to live)

How often are their parents busy? ( to be)

Where do their grandparents live? (to live)

What is he? ( to be)

What does she like doing in the evening? (to like)

How do they call their grandparents? ( to call)

What does he often do with the boys? ( to do)

Where does she usually go on holidays? ( to go)

What does she buy? (to buy)

What books does he often bring with him? ( to bring)

When do children swim in the sea? ( to swim)

How does he read the books? ( to read)

What do Sally and Megan say about the new film? ( to say)
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