Англійська мова ТЕРМІНОВО!!!



Ответ дал: e722403


2. 1 Are you making dinner for us tonight?

yes, we are

2 Is Omar doing his homework right now?

No, he isn't

3 Is Eva playing the violin? It sounds really good!

Yes she is

4 Are they studying French this year?

No, they are not

5 Are you putting those books in your bag?

Yes, I am

6 Is he writing an email on the computer?

Yes, he is

3.1) listen


3) I'm tidying

4) isn't doing

5)are making


4.1 I'm not sweeping the floor right now.

2 She doesn't go to school on Saturdays.

3Neemais not working on her computer now.

4 Nicki is having a shower at the moment

5 Jason and his friend are playing tennis today.

6 we eat pizza every Friday.

якщо потрібно всю сторінку то скажете, також ваше перше завдання зроблене неправильно, якщо хочете, щоб я переробив, виставіть як окреме

marioghulch: Дуже дякую!!!
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