Use the title: A friend in need. Write about 100 words. TIPS Set the scene and organise the order of events. Include some speech and use speech marks. Use relevant past tenses.


Ответ дал: sonaslusareva3

Ответ:Title: A Friend in Need

As the rain poured relentlessly, I found myself stranded at the bus stop, drenched and disheartened. A familiar face emerged from the mist: Sarah, my childhood friend. With a wide smile, she offered her umbrella and a warm embrace.

"Need a lift?" she grinned, pointing to her car.

Gratefully accepting, we reminisced about old times on the drive home. Over hot tea, she comforted me, listening intently as I poured out my worries. Her unwavering support and caring words were a lifeline in that moment of despair, reminding me that true friendship withstands any storm.


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