and my 4. Правильно впиши have 've got (have got )/'s gor (has got) в речення Writing 2. My mother 3. We 4. They 5. He 6. My friends a lot of toys. a big computer. a small house. a new camera. a lot of books. the posters on the wall.​


Ответ дал: talibovevgeny

Ответ: My mother ( he ) has got a lot of toys,a big computer, a small house, a new camera, a lot of books, the pasters on the wall.

We( They, My friends ) have got a lot of toys, a big computer, a small house, a new camera, a lot of books, the pasters on the wall

Объяснение: has got пишется после существительных единственного числа среднего рода ( He,She и т.д ), а have got пишется после существительных во множественном числе и I (I, You, We, They. и т. д.).

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