1. live / Tony / Where / does/?
2. go / How / to / often / do / the / you / movies?
3. Emma / What / start / does / time / school /?
4. your / is / When / birthday/?
5. time / do / What / you / do / your / in / free/?
6. chess / Who / play / do / you / with /?
7. it / How / does / much / cost /?
8. the baby / is / crying / Why /?
9. your / does / Shirley / work / sister / Where /?
10. colour / your / is / favourite / What/?


Ответ дал: sophie1312
1. Where does Tony live?
2. How often do you go to the movies?
3. What time does Emma start school?
4. When is your birthday?
5. What do you do in your free time?
6. Who do you play chess with?
7. How much does it cost?
8. Why is the baby crying?
9. Where does your sister Shirley work?
10. What is your favourite colour?

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