2 ★ Write sentences. Use the affirmative (✔), negative (X) or question (?) forms of was/ were and there was / there were. 1/ at school this morning X I wasn't at school this morning. 1 there/ two channels without adverts ✔ they were 2 there/ a new character in the show this week? (n two chanels (5) 3 the remote control / next to the TV? was the 4 you/ in the audience? wase you? 5 there/ a new presenter in this series X There werent 6 it/a new series ✔ itwas chea lot c onl- luch for L 7 who / the participants in Big Brother? who were where was a new cha much on in the show thi 4 ir C V​


annaivantsiv2010: щас
annaivantsiv2010: можно лучший ответ


Ответ дал: annaivantsiv2010

Відповідь:At school this morning: X I wasn't at school this morning.

There were two channels without adverts: ✔ They were.

Was there a new character in the show this week?: ? Was there a new character in the show this week?

Was the remote control next to the TV?: X It wasn't.

Were you in the audience?: ? Were you?

Was there a new series: ✔ It was. There was a new series.

Who were the participants in Big Brother?: ? Who were the participants in Big Brother?


Ответ дал: m3310641


У школі сьогодні вранці: XI не був у школі сьогодні вранці.

Було два канали без реклами: ✔ Були.

Чи був новий персонаж у шоу цього тижня?: ? Цього тижня в серіалі з’явився новий персонаж?

Пульт дистанційного керування був поруч із телевізором?: X Ні.

Ви були в аудиторії?: ? Чи були ви?

Чи була нова серія: ✔ Була. Вийшла нова серія.

Хто був учасником Big Brother?: ? Хто був учасником Big Brother?

eldanaernazar19: Извинете я не понимаю украинский
wstdzxc: а по человечески можно?
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